Eurograd message

Message posted on 21/03/2024

PhD studentship, Online Healthcare Feedback, Care and Complaint, University of Edinburgh

Apologies for any cross-posting

Dear all,

Please find below details of a fully-funded ESRC studentship (co-supervised by me and Catherine Montgomery) on the relationship between healthcare-related online feedback and complaint.

The successful candidate will be based in Science, Technology & Innovation Studies (STIS) at the University of Edinburgh, and it is a collaborative project with Care Opinion ( The deadline for applications is 19th April.

Further information, including how to apply, can be found here: Care and Complaint: Exploring Changing Technologies of Feedback and Complaint in the Scottish NHS - Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (

Project summary below:

The University of Edinburgh invites applications from suitably qualified graduates for a fully-funded PhD studentship in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (STIS) on the relationship between healthcare complaints and online feedback in the UK, focusing on Scotland. Service user complaints and concerns are a valuable resource in healthcare, they provide opportunities for improving quality and safety, help identify and address problems, and can be a source of institutional learning. However, traditional complaints procedures are often ineffective and inefficient, with negative outcomes for staff and patients alike. More recently, there has been a dramatic rise in feedback platforms where people share experiences of healthcare services online. The project will use qualitative methods to generate novel sociological insights into the interaction between online healthcare-related feedback and traditional complaint procedures. It will contribute to healthcare policy and service delivery debates on how to enhance healthcare complaint procedures in the UK, focusing on the use of online feedback platforms and practices. Best wishes, Fadhila

Dr Fadhila Mazanderani Science, Technology & Innovation Studies Please note that I work part-time and responses to email may be delayed

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th' ann an Oilthigh Dh?n ?ideann, cl?raichte an Alba, ?ireamh cl?raidh SC005336.

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