easst constitution

Original adopted in Budapest 1994; amended at EASST General Meetings in Bielefeld (Oct 1996), Trento (Sep 2010), online (Dec 2020) and online (Nov 2023). 

  1. EASST is the abbreviated name of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology.
  2. The aim of EASST is to foster within Europe the scholarly study of science and technology including their historical development and their role in society. More specific aims include improving scholarly communication and exchange in the field, increasing the visibility of the subject to policy-makers and to the general public, and stimulating and supporting teaching on the subject at all levels.

  1. The activities of EASST include thematic and general meetings, organised visits and exchanges, the production of publications, and any other means towards the above aims.
  1. Membership of EASST is open to all who share its aims. Different membership subscriptions may be offered to certain categories of members as determined by the Council.
  1. The activities of EASST are financed from the annual subscriptions of individual members, from revenue arising from events and activities, from the voluntary contributions of institutional members, from gifts, legacies and other donations, and from funds made available by foundations and other organisations for the performance of specific functions consistent with the basic aims of the Association.

  1. The affairs of EASST are governed by a Council, consisting of a President, ten regular members and the President-elect subject to clause 7 below.

  1. Members of Council are elected by the individual members of the Association, from among EASST members. One of the regular members will be a PhD candidate at the time of election. One of the regular members will be an ECR candidate – defined as someone who has no more than seven years of experience since completion of PhD at the time of the election. No member of the Association shall serve as President for more than two terms. The Council shall have a quorum of 5 members. The Editors of the Association’s publications will be co-opted members without voting power. The Council may co-opt up to four members in total without voting power either to undertake specialist tasks or to gain experience of Council before seeking election to full membership.

  1. The President shall be elected for a four-year term. Elections shall be held by ballot of all members of the Association, on the basis of nominations received around the time of a general meeting of the Association. The ballot will take place within three months of the general meeting at which nominations are received. The President will assume office within one year of the election. During this period the President-elect is a member of the Council and has the rights and obligations of a regular member of the Council as specified in this constitution. The President of the Association remains in function until the President-elect is installed as President.

    Regular members of the Council shall be elected for a four year term separately to that of the President. Elections shall be held by ballot of all members of the Association, on the basis of nominations received around the time of a general meeting of the Association. The ballot will take place within three months of the general meeting at which nominations are received. Regular members of the new council will take office within two months of the election.

    In the event of a Council member standing down during their term of office, the Council may call a ballot to replace said member, giving notice of no less than two months to receive nominations from the Association membership. The ballot will take place within three months of the nominations closing and the new member will assume office as soon as the result is known.

  1. General meetings of the society will take place every two years, normally at the Association’s major conference. Proper and due notice of general meetings will be given to all members. Special general meetings may be called by the president. Special general meetings can also be called by a resolution of one third of the members delivered to the Secretary of the Association. At the special general meeting, which must follow within two months, a resolution carried by a simple majority can require an immediate fresh ballot to replace the whole membership of the Council.

  1. The Council designates one of its members as secretary, and another as treasurer. The duties of officers are as follows: the President shall have general charge of the affairs of the Association. The President or a member of the Council designated by the President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Council. The President shall be responsible for representing EASST to other organisations unless this power is entrusted to another Council member for a specific purpose.The Secretary shall be responsible for the administration of the Association and the safe keeping of its records. The Secretary shall be responsible for communicating the agenda of Council and general meetings of the Association, and for transmitting reports to such meetings and the associated papers to participants at least 20 days before each meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of Council and general meetings.The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Association and for reporting on the financial position to Council and general meetings. A statement of the society’s accounts shall be submitted as required by the Council, and for general meetings 20 days in advance. Other positions may be created and filled at Council’s discretion. Council shall conduct its business by a set of decision rules which will be open to inspection by any member.
  1. The provisions of this constitution can be changed at any general meeting by a two thirds majority of those present and voting, provided that at least two months notice of any proposed changes has been given to all members, or by a two-thirds majority of those voting in a ballot of the membership, again providing the requirement for two month’s notice have been met.

  2. Any disputes over interpretation of this constitution shall be resolved under the laws of the country where the Association has its offices and under European Union law as appropriate.