Offre de contrat doctoral - Le concept d'exposome comme instrument de politique de santeĢ environnementale - LISIS
Ci-joint une offre de contrat doctoral sur l'mergence rcente du concept d'exposome dans les politiques du risque chimique et son potentiel de transformation de ces dernires. La thse est finance dans le cadre de l'appel de l'ANR-PPR 'Un ocan de solutions' et sera encadre par moi-mme (Laura Maxim, charge de recherche CNRS) et David Demortain (directeur de recherche INRAE). N'hsitez pas faire circuler. Merci! Bien cordialement, Laura Maxim
Charge de recherche CNRS LISIS - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Socits
[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Offre contrat doctoral PREVENT_J.pdf]
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30 recent messages
- 01/11/2024 Vacancy: PhD position on Systems Science for Sustainable Safety in Healthcare
- 30/10/2024 Online lecture: Rachel Wynberg and Sarah Laird, 'Rethinking biodiversity-based economies for justice and conservation', 12 November 2024
- 29/10/2024 CFP Reminder - Diffractive STS Pedagogies - STS Hub 2025
- 29/10/2024 CfA: Diffracting chemistry at sts-hub in Berlin, March 2025
- 28/10/2024 Final Call: Philosophy of Black Holes Workshop
- 27/10/2024 Multimodal contributions to the STS Hub 2025 „Diffracting the Critical“/ 11-14 March 2025/ Berlin
- 24/10/2024 S2C2 Meeting Series: Social Studies of Chemicals and Chemistry in Transformation
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- 24/10/2024 [jobs/phd] Fixing Futures, 8 doctoral researcher positions STS @ Frankfurt/Germany. Deadline 26th Nov 24
- 24/10/2024 Gentle Reminder: Call for Session Proposals - STS Conference Graz 2025
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- 23/10/2024 CfP "In (the) Light of Shadows" @ STS Hub 2025 Berlin, 11-14 March 2025
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- 22/10/2024 CfP - Technology and the Organization of Fields
- 19/10/2024 FW: Call for abstracts, workshop 'hostility by design'
- 18/10/2024 [RESCHEDULED] Kelly Bannister, 'People-Plant Interrelationships and the Law – but whose law? Expanding the conversation through Ethnobiology and Biocultural Ethics ', 23 October 2024
- 18/10/2024 CfA: Open Panel on "Medical Critique in Hashtags? Chronic Health Conditions on Social Media" at STS-Hub 2025
- 18/10/2024 Contestations.AI 23rd Oct. Live Stream. Transdisciplinary Symposium on AI, Human Rights and Warfare
- 18/10/2024 CfP STS Hub, Open Panel "Critical formations in STS approaches to border and migration regimes"
- 18/10/2024 Reminder CfA: Fully Funded Sabbaticals and Working Groups
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