EASST-EUROGRAD is a mailing list intended to facilitate a European network of scholars of all levels in the broad field of Science and Technology Studies. The list serves to announce scholarly events, calls, job openings and the like.

The list does not accept racist, sexist or other discriminating posts. The Council of EASST will take appropriate actions against such posts, including removing list subscribers from the list.

To subscribe or unsubscribe, please visit the listinfo page.

Post message
To send an email to all the people currently subscribed to the list, just email eurograd-easst.net(at)lists.easst.net. You must be subscribed to send mail to the list.
As it is an email list please try to provide web links to documents in your message rather than send large attachments.

Edit your message delivery settings
To change your settings for this mailing list, please refer to the listinfo page.

Browse list archive
To browse the archive, please refer to the archive page.

Contact EASST regarding the list
You may contact the list’s administrator on eurograd-easst.net-owner(at)lists.easst.net.