Eurograd message

Message posted on 05/07/2024

JOB: 3 Professorships in Philosophy & Blockchain, Political Science & Blockchain, Sociology & Blockchain

Dear all

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Lucerne, Switzerland, is looking to fill the following positions for the “Zug Institute for Blockchain Research”

Professor of “Philosophy and Blockchain” (100%, open rank).

Professor of “Political Science and Blockchain” (100%, open rank)

Professor of “Sociology and Blockchain” (100%, open rank)

starting February 1, 2025, or by agreement.

The successful candidates will play an active role in establishing the interdisciplinary Zug Institute for Blockchain Research at the University of Lucerne. The newly appointed professorships and their research teams will focus on the social, political, legal and economic consequences of blockchain technology. The aim is to create an institute for blockchain research with a human science focus that is unique in the world in terms of its breadth and diversity.

The University of Lucerne explicitly encourages qualified female scientists to apply.

Application deadline is August 4, 2024.

For further information, please see cies/

Also, please feel free to circulate the job ad amongst your networks.

Thanks and best Sophie Mützel Professor of Sociology Department of Sociology University of Lucerne Switzerland

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