Eurograd message

Message posted on 03/07/2024

Journal of Science Communication

With apologies as ever for cross-posting, we - Emily, Mehita & Simon - are DELIGHTED to announce the publication of a special issue of the Journal of Science Communication, Science Communication for Social Justice. The special issue showcases research from amazing scholars around the world that interrogates science communication from a variety of critical perspectives. The special issue advances scholarship on science communication by asking what social justice perspectives can offer to rethink & ultimately reshape our field.

We send our gratitude to the wonderful international team of reviewers, not to mention the brilliant authors & to JCOM for hosting us all. We hope list members will find a context, country or critical perspective (or all of the above & more!) that resonates with their work.

As always, JCOM is open access & you can read everything for free.

  • Editorial: Why should we think about social justice in science communication? Dawson, E., Iqani, M. & Lock, S.J.
  • Plans and peoples exhibit at MUHNAC: Analysis of traditional and scientific medicine from the perspective of the epistemologies of South. Marandino, M. and Meneses, M.P.
  • Science communicators from marginalised backgrounds challenge STEM cultural norms to promote community belonging. Valdez-Ward. E., Ulrich, R.N., Bennett, N., Martinez-Maldonado, E., Mattheis, A., Treseder,K.K., Takahashi, B. and Menezes, S.
  • GlobalSCAPE: success and failures in connecting with science communicators around the world. Roche, J., Hurley, M., Jensen, E., Massarani, L., Russo, P. and Taylor, A.
  • Scientific temper: Towards an alternate model of science-society relationships. Kankaria, S. and Chakraborty, A.
  • Fugitive publics: Sex, sexuality and science communication. Ledin. C.
  • Clashing epistemologies and contrasting injustice: An Aotearoa/New Zealand case. McEntee, M., Harvey, M., and Medvecky, F.

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