Eurograd message

Message posted on 26/06/2024

Understanding the EU AI Act

Dear all,

If interested: Please find below the pre-print of a general introduction of the enactment of the final European regulation about harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act).

The contribution aims to familiarise researchers from a broad range of disciplines from tech to policy, from law to social science, with the complex regulatory structure and logic of the AI Act - from an inward European and outward international perspective.

/Ruschemeier, H.; Bareis, J. Searching for harmonised rules: Understanding the paradigms, provisions and pressing issues in the final EU AI Act./

/Forthcoming in: Gsenger/Sekwenz (eds), Digital Decade: How the EU shapes digitalisation/ /research, Nomos 2025./




Jascha Bareis(Profile) (Scholar)


Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)

Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT)

Research Group Digital Technology and Societal Change (FG DigIT)

Recent Publications

The Trustification of AI. Disclosing the bridging pillars that tie Trust and AI together. Big Data & Society

Technology Hype: Dealing with bold expectations and overpromising, with M. Roßmann and F.Bordignon. Journal of Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice

Talking AI into Being: The Narratives of National AI Strategies and Their Performative Politics, with C. Katzenbach. Science, Technology, & Human Values

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