Eurograd message

Message posted on 20/01/2023

Call for Papers: Science as Culture Special Issue - Interdisciplinary Research on Societal Challenges

Dear Colleagues

How does interdisciplinary research collaboration relate to societal challenges? We invite contributions to a Science as Culture (SaC) special issue “Interdisciplinary Research on Societal Challenges” that analyze these issues.

Guest editors: Antti Silvast (DTU), Jaakko Taipale (University of Helsinki), Mikko J. Virtanen (University of Helsinki), and Terhi Esko (University of Helsinki)

We welcome contributions that deal with the following questions:

  • How does interdisciplinary research frame the societal challenges that it addresses?

  • What choices and judgments are involved in such framing?

  • What consequences does the policy-based interwovenness of interdisciplinarity and societal challenges have for research collaboration and relationships with stakeholder groups and their perspectives? For example, are new strategic partnerships created? What are the related trade-offs?

  • Given the policy interest in interdisciplinary research around societal challenges, how does this affect the knowledge that is produced by academics who gain the respective funding?

  • How does such research address (or not) the original policy drivers?

Submission Details

Deadlines Abstracts: 1 February 2023 Full papers: 1 June 2023

Full CfP: linary-research/

Best wishes Antti Silvast

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