Eurograd message

Message posted on 20/01/2023

Call for Papers: Science as Culture Special Issue - Interdisciplinary Research on Societal Challenges

                Dear Colleagues

How does interdisciplinary research collaboration relate to societal
challenges? We invite contributions to a Science as Culture (SaC) special
issue “Interdisciplinary Research on Societal Challenges” that analyze
these issues.

Guest editors: Antti Silvast (DTU), Jaakko Taipale (University of
Helsinki), Mikko J. Virtanen (University of Helsinki), and Terhi Esko
(University of Helsinki)

We welcome contributions that deal with the following questions:

- How does interdisciplinary research frame the societal challenges that it

- What choices and judgments are involved in such framing?

- What consequences does the policy-based interwovenness of
interdisciplinarity and societal challenges have for research collaboration
and relationships with stakeholder groups and their perspectives? For
example, are new strategic partnerships created? What are the related

- Given the policy interest in interdisciplinary research around societal
challenges, how does this affect the knowledge that is produced by
academics who gain the respective funding?

- How does such research address (or not) the original policy drivers?

Submission Details

Abstracts: 1 February 2023
Full papers:  1 June 2023

Full CfP:

Best wishes
Antti Silvast
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