Message posted on 10/09/2021

Job offer – Post-Doc position – Sustainability of environmental systems (Politecnico di Milano)

                Dear colleagues,

Please consider the attached call to grant a post-doc position in the 
field of Science and Technology Studies at *Politecnico di Milano*.

The post-doc will carry out research on *the role of human behavior in 
shaping paths of sustainable development*, working at the crossroads 
between the research group of Planning and Management of Environmental 
Systems ( and 
Politecnico’s STS unit META (

The *3-year position* (1 year renewable for 2 additional years) is 
*full-time*. Wage is above Italian standards. Coverage by the national 
healthcare service is given as part of the employment position. The 
position does not include teaching duties. Teaching at the 
undergraduate, graduate and master level is possible and encouraged and 
will entitle to additional compensation. Tenure track opportunities are 
envisaged afterwards.

Compulsory application deadline: *16 September, 2021*.

*Starting date: before end 2021*.

Do not hesitate to email  if you have any query.

Kind regards,

Stefano Crabu

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of 1629182339_BANDO_DEIB_61_2021 ENG.pdf]
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