Final CfR: Workshop on Philosophy of Cosmic Inflation (May 24th)
We are thrilled to announce the first COSMO-MASTER Workshop, on the Philosophy of Inflation, which will take place on the 24th of May 2024 in Utrecht (NL). We will convene physicists and philosophers to discuss the inflationary paradigm: current state of the art and its prospects. We welcome researchers and students within either philosophy or physics to join the discussion as attendants.
We will have three invited speakers to provide an overview of the state of the art of Cosmic Inflation: Marieke Postma (Radboud University), Richard Dawid (Stockholm University) and Daniel Meerburg (University of Groningen).
Registration is free, but required: the deadline is this Friday (10th of May).
Schedule, registration link & further info: s/philosophy-of-inflation-workshop
Please feel free to pass this announcement on to anyone else who may be interested.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Utrecht,
Niels Martens, on behalf of Antonio Ferreiro
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Dr Niels Martens | University Lecturer | Utrecht University | Freudenthal Institute | Descartes Centre | Utrecht History & Philosophy of Physics | Utrecht Philosophy of Astronomy & Cosmology (UPAC) | Philosophy Co-lead of ngEHT Collaboration | Buys Ballot Building, room 3.11 | Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht |
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New free access publications: "Big STEM collaborations should include humanities and social science" , "ngEHT Key Science Goals white paper" & "Doing More with Less: Dark Matter & Modified Gravity"
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