Eurograd message

Message posted on 06/05/2024

Registration deadline May the 10th: DASTS'24 Conference on Elegies of waste, surplus, and excess

apologies for unintended crossposting

DASTS Conference'24 (Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies) on June 6-7, DTU Lyngby Campus, Denmark plus-and-excess

Registration deadline May 10th, 2024 Register here The Danish STS community is happy to extend its invitation to the international STS community. Please come and join us for an exciting program in from June 6-7 to discuss how the current landscapes of STS methods and theories inform and impact practices and reactions to waste, surplus and excess. The DASTS conference is this year arranged by the STS-community at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Keynotes are:

  • On Wasting Energy by Cara New Daggett, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Virginia Tech
  • The multiple politics of data loss in digital societies by Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Associate Professor in Modern and Digital Culture, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Copenhagen University, ERC grant-holder: "Data Loss: the Politics of Disappearance, Destruction, and Dispossession in Digital Societies
  • What discards do: cleaning (waste) water in the Netherlands by Annemarie Mol, Prof. dr., Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam and The Clean Water Team: Annelieke Driessen, Roos Metselaar, Annemarie Mol, Ren Nissen, Evrim zkol, Fenna Smits & Sam van der Lugt Full programme:

Please come and join us - we look forward to seeing you in June! /The DASTS'24 organizing Committee Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, Brit Ross Winthereik, Sophie Nyborg, Benjamin Lipp, Amanda Obitz Mogensen, Sren Riis, Emil Nissen, Tom Cronin

Best regards / Bedste hilsner,


Julia Kirch Kirkegaard Associate Professor, PhD DTU Wind Energy & Energy Systems, SMP (Society, Market & Policy) Mob. +45 93 51 14 31, +45 26 36 74 08 Frederiksborgvej 399 Building 114, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

DASTS conference 2024: Elegies of waste, surplus, and excess plus-and-excess

ERC Starting Grant: Good-by-Devicing - Probing how value comes to matter in the energy transition" ves-erc-starting-grant-2023?id=378e5f5a-69f6-49cd-a237-c203bc20bd7d DFF excellence project: Sapere Aude: The Expertise of Expectations on the case of Power-to-X (Danish Independent Research Fund) 023/julia-kirch-kirkegaard New paper out Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, David Philipp Rudolph, Sophie Nyborg, Helena Solman, Elizabeth Gill, Tom Cronin & Mary Hallisey (2023). Tackling grand challenges in wind energy through a socio-technical perspective. Nature Energy, Review article,,

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