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Message posted on 29/04/2024

7th STS Italia Summer School | ArTS in Society - Application deadline extended May 3rd, 2024

apologies for unintended crossposting 7th STS Italia Summer School | ArTS in Society - Application deadline extended May 3rd, 2024

STS Italia – Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies, RedEsCTS, the Spanish Network for Science and Technology Studies and the Real Academia de España in Rome (RAER) extend the call for application for the 7th STS Italia Summer School , “ArTS in Society. Design, architecture, art, music and other creative practices in dialogue among technoscience, society and aesthetic practices”, to May 3rd. The summer school will be held in Rome (Italy) from September the 3rd to September the 6th, 2024.

Art and design practices can help us question and reimagine scientific knowledge and technologies that shape our daily lives. To address the socio-ecological crises we face, we must reinvent our daily routines and establish new relationships with both humans and non-human beings in our world. Art and design offer ways to explore and rethink these issues. They can be valuable resources for overcoming communication barriers and engaging citizens. Science and Technology Studies focus on the interconnection between everyday practices, science, and technology. It is not surprising that artists, performers, designers, and Science and Technology Studies scholars have collaborated, sharing methods and approaches.

The 7th STS Italia Summer School aims to explore and enact such dialogue to provide an environment for hands-on learning and experimenting for early career researchers (Ph.D. students, post-docs), particularly about: – how Science and Technology Studies’ notions and methods can contribute to the development of competences that enable the production of artworks or design prototypes allowing to explore alternative and more careful forms of inhabiting the world; – how design and artistic practices can allow social sciences to rethink and approach in different ways the entanglement of technoscience and everyday practices.

Main themes that will be addressed:

* o what competences and kinds of knowledge more-than-human designers need; o how to co-design with neglected more-than-human actors; o how artistic practices can explore and foster more balanced compositions and evolutions of the social; o how artistic and design practices can contribute to the development of inventive ethnographic methods to investigate more-than-human worlds o how art and design practices can contribute to the development and construction of creative pathways in the communication of science and technology; o how art and design practices can contribute to the development of learning pathways in the field of social studies of science and technology

Several group activities, performance creation, participatory
activities will engage summer school participants.

Confirmed speakers

  • Attila Bruni (University of Trento)
  • Nerea Calvillo (University of Warwick)
  • Silvia Casini (University of Aberdeen)
  • Michela Cozza (Mälardalen University)
  • Adolfo Estalella (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Maral Kekejian Hernand (artist, former RAER guest)
  • Paolo Magaudda (University of Padova)
  • Gabriele Panico (Italian composer, producer and musicologist)

Schedule, costs, and accommodation

The 7^th STS Italia Summer School will be residential, hosted in the prestigious venue of the RAER in the neighbourhood of Trastevere, Rome. The RAER will provide double or triple rooms as accommodation for 25 students. Teaching and workshop activities will take place within the RAER for an intensive program. All participants are expected to attend the entire duration of the Summer School and a Certificate of Attendance will be provided at the end. The fee for participation is 350€.

The fee includes:

  • Access to all lectures and workshops
  • Teaching materials
  • Lunches and coffee breaks
  • Welcome aperitif
  • Accommodation at RAER
  • STS Italia membership for 2024

STS Italia is offering 5 scholarships for early career researchers that will cover the fee cost. A selection committee will evaluate the applications.

Important dates


May 3rd 2024: Extended Application deadline


May 6th, 2024: Notification of acceptance and scholarship eligibility


May 31st, 2024: Registration deadline

How to apply

The application form is available here . After space for personal details, the form includes a place to upload a short CV accompanied with a scientific CV or portfolio of works together with a statement of interest (maximum 500 words), which should describe the applicant’s current research and its relevance to the aims of the Summer School. Finally, a statement of purpose (maximum 500 words) is mandatory only for additional applications for funding (STS Italia Scholarship). Applications must be submitted electronically to the Summer School Organizing Committee at:

The extended application deadline is May 3rd, 2024

-- Paolo Giardullo, PhD Assistant Professor in Sociology @University of Padova Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) Section of Sociology Via Cesarotti 10/12 - 35121 PADOVA - ITALY Pa.S.T.I.S. Research Unit

STS Italia Secretary (2022-2024)

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