Eurograd message

Message posted on 09/12/2024

"Cybioses/NSU Winter session - Creative Machines and Minds without Life" (Out of Office)

Guten Tag,

Vielen Dank fr Ihre Nachricht. Ich befinde mich bis einschlielich 11.12.2024 auer Haus mit eingeschrnktem Zugang zu meinem Postfach. Ihre Email wird in diesem Zeitraum mglicherweise nicht gelesen. Nach meiner Rckkehr bemhe ich mich um schnellstmgliche Beantwortung.

Herzliche Gre Valerie Varney

Dear all,

Thank you for your email. I am out of office until December 11th, 2024. I will make sure to take care of your request as soon as possible after my return.

Kind regards, Valerie Varney

-- Prof. Dr. Valerie Varney

Fakultt fr Anlagen, Energie- und Maschinensysteme

Technische Hochschule Kln / Cologne University of Applied Science Campus Deutz Betzdorfer Str. 2 50679 Kln Raum: HO 2.29 Tel: +49 221 8275 4144

Eric Deibel via Eurograd 12/07/24 18:38 >>>


pleaseconsider submitting an abstract or an artistic submission to ourwinter symposium called; CreativeMachines and Minds Without Life: CriticalDetachment and Disengaged Futures

Date:5-8th of March 2025

Location:The augmented performance lab at Aalborg University Copenhagen.CopenhagenCampus

Organization:Cybioses lifein the future imperfect,a study circle of the Nordic Summer University (NSU)(

PartialGrants:ourgrant program is limited and only covers part of the costs. However,there are 5 grants available.

Deadlinefor abstract the 15thofJanuary 2025.

Pleaseclick the link for more information and the long abstract: uture-imperfect/


Wewelcome proposals that engage with, and discuss, the following areas:

- creative machines (e.g. robots, AI, biological machines)

- creativity in art and machines

- creativity and the human mind

- the future of creativity

- intellectual histories of creative machines and/or creativity

- the political economies of creative machines

- creative machines and surveillance

- synergy with creative machines

- rules for creative machines (e.g. ethics, law, policy, government)

- creative vs. irresponsible machines (e.g. art vs. ethics)

Otherrelated topics are welcome, with the fit referring to the diversityof contributors that we explicitly aim for scholars, artists,students, technologists, other professionals and engagedparticipants. Experimental approaches to presenting and collaboratingare encouraged. There will be space for installations andperformances.

Feelfree to contact us if you are wondering how you would fit in andplease send a short motivation letter and bio andpalle@chalmers.For information about abstract submission and the backgroundwriting that details the topics of the conference, please visit ourweb-page: e-future-imperfect/

Finally,there is always next time! In the summer well be inFinland (20thof July to 28thof July). We aim to continue beyond that, as we have a storied history, it's been 8 years in this format, and with roots going back to the 1950sfor the topic of technology (and cybernetics). Ourprevious topics have includedSpeculativeTechnologies and Future Frictions (Summer 2024, Denmark), Informationcrisis (Winter 2024, Vilnius, What a waste (summer 2023, Lithuania),and Slow futures (winter 2023, Brussels). Earlierthemes have included Human-TechnologyFutures,and Improvisation and Technology.

PalleDahlstedt, Professor of Interaction Design, Dept. of ComputerScience and Engineering, University of Gothenburg / ChalmersUniversity of Technology

EricDeibel, PhD, researcher with the ADAPT research centre on AI, andthe UCD school of Information and Communication Studies, both inDublin, Ireland.

TalyaDeibel, PhD, senior postdoc atUniversity College Cork on Lawand the InnerSelf.

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