Cfa "Knowing and Learning in the Age of Intelligent Machines: Navigating Innovation, Automation, and Human Agency in the Workplace"
Dear colleagues,
Hoping it might be of interest, I am sharing with you the call for abstracts for the special issue "Knowing and Learning in the Age of Intelligent Machines: Navigating Innovation, Automation, and Human Agency in the Workplace" in the Journal of Workplace Learning (with an Impact Factor of 2.1, here you can find all the metrics).
The special issue welcomes interdisciplinary contributions, with a particular focus on STS-inspired research, aiming to explore the changes brought about by intelligent technologies in organizational and workplace contexts.
You can find the full call here. To participate in the special issue, a 500-word abstract must be submitted by February 1, 2025. Selected authors will be required to submit the full paper by July 1, 2025.
For any questions or inquiries, feel free to contact me at my institutional email:
Best regards,
Francesco Miele
Francesco Miele Ricercatore | Senior Assistant Professor, University of Trieste Department of Political and Social Sciences Piazzale Europa 1, 34127, Trieste, Italy.
Recent Publications
Miele, F. (2024). Stati affettivi in movimento. Un’etnografia sulle residenze per anziani con demenza. Sociologia Italiana. 25, 73-87. Miele, F., Giardullo, P. (2024). Reframing Algorithms: STS perspectives to Healthcare Automation. Palgrave Macmillan.
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