RSA Porto CfP: Smart transformation and regional inequalities – countering digital exclusion of rural areas, small towns and peripheral regions
Dear all,
Please find below the call for papers to our session about smart transformation and regional inequalities.
2025 Regional Studies Association's Annual Conference: Navigating Regional Transformation Porto, Portugal, May 6-9, 2025
Abstract submission deadline: 19th December 2024 LINK for abstract submission:!
Session title: Smart transformation and regional inequalities countering digital exclusion of rural areas, small towns and peripheral regions
Session organisers: Kadri Leetmaa, University of Tartu, Estonia Bianka Plschke-Altof, University of Tartu, Estonia Bradley Loewen, NTNU, Norway Ingmar Pastak, University of Tartu, Estonia
Digital transformation has fundamentally changed the way society functions. Digital life is no longer just a means of communication, but instead, digital has become natural, making it hard to distinguish digital transactions from our general presence in society.
At the same time, todays rural smartification pathways rather apply upon the same powerlines of inequality already known - that access to the benefits of digital transition is unequal, e.g. digital services are more readily available in urban areas and used by younger, digitally affluent people. This draws attention to the other side of the coin: aging rural populations facing an increasing rate of digitalisation in services; the need for digital skills in the labour market; the lack of digital innovation from rural margins; and missing services designed in and for rural contexts. Such digital divides are caused by gaps in digital infrastructure, lack of digital skills, and different preferences, but also by the fact that there is a lack of understanding of what a digital society outside major centres fundamentally is.
There is a growing body of work by scholars who are inspired to look into rural areas, small towns and peripheral regions and tilt the gravity of smart from urban to rural context. These studies touch on the potential for digitalization to enhance well-being and to include otherwise excluded groups such as rural elderly, minorities, people with special needs, by analysing services in shrinking rural areas and looking at many other critically important issues.
Inspired by the recent smartification trend and growing literature from rural context, this session aims to present the empirical and theoretical accounts in discovering: the interrelations between smart development and rural areas, critical reflections on smart city and smart rurality concepts, new interpretations of smart, development and innovation state and local government induced smart development, best practices of smart and digital, and the influence of smart transformation on rural communities.
Bradley Loewen, PhD Onsager Fellow (Associate Professor) in STS and sustainability transitions
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture (KULT) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway | |
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