Eurograd message

Message posted on 29/11/2022

Poster Call extended for Space Science in Context 2023!

Hi all -

We have extended the deadline for posters at Space Science in Context 2023- we’d really love to feature some of the research this group is doing!! Please consider submitting an abstract (100 words) by Friday, and then the full poster is due on the 13th January.

We’re keen to platform research, activism, workshops and events, artwork and MORE that is happing in the field - and there is so much rich and wonderful work happening in this group we’d love you to share with our participants who are researchers and practitioners across STS and space science and beyond. A great way to spread the word about things that you are up to, start generating impact beyond your immediate community, and build connections with scientists!

You can read more and submit your poster here: WJc_R38n-SSDA/viewform

If you’d like to chat about submitting something, please reach out to me, I’m more than happy to chat!

With care,

Ellie & Divya

Eleanor S Armstrong | she/her Postdoktor

Section of Science Education Department of Teaching and Learning Stockholm University SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Visiting address: Svante Arrheniusväg 20A E-mail: Web:

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