Eurograd message

Message posted on 11/12/2024

Cfp "Sociotechnical imaginaries and practices of artificial intelligence in healthcare: revolutionising care or amplifying new risks?"

                Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to share the call for abstracts for the special issue "Sociotechnical imaginaries and practices of artificial intelligence in healthcare: revolutionising care or amplifying new risks?" in the Health Risk and Society, co-edited by Veronica Moretti and me.

We welcome contributions that critically explore the dual nature of artificial intelligence (AI): as a tool for innovation and as a system deeply embedded within complex social, technical, and ethical infrastructures. This special issue aims to balance the promise of AI with a critical examination of its risks, limitations, and potential vulnerabilities in healthcare contexts.

The full call for abstracts is here. To participate, please submit a 500–800 word abstract by February 3, 2025. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers by July 21, 2025.

For any questions or inquiries, feel free to contact me at our institutional email: and

Best regards

Francesco Miele
Ricercatore | Senior Assistant Professor, University of Trieste
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Piazzale Europa 1, 34127, Trieste, Italy.

Recent Publications

Miele, F. (2024). Stati affettivi in movimento. Un’etnografia sulle residenze per anziani con demenza. Sociologia Italiana. 25, 73-87.
Miele, F., Giardullo, P. (2024). Reframing Algorithms: STS perspectives to Healthcare Automation. Palgrave Macmillan.
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