Eurograd message

Message posted on 15/05/2023

Call for proposals. DEADLINE EXTENDED to 2nd June 2023 for AsSIST UK National conference "DISruption": 4-5 September 2023, Manchester.

                Dear colleagues

Please consider submitting a paper, panel or workshop for AsSIST-UK 2023: the UK Association for Studies in Innovation, Science and Technology conference  (in-person  4&5 September 2023, Manchester) which has the theme: ‘Disruption’.

Can you draw the attached poster to the attention of any colleagues who may be interested

Many thanks

Robin Williams

Professor Robin Williams
Director, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation
Science, Technology and Innovation Studies Subject Group,
School of Social and Political Sciences
The University of Edinburgh
Old Surgeon's Hall
Edinburgh EH1 1LZ
Tel: +44 131 650 6387
Mobile: 07925-372184
Gilbert S, Anderson S, Daumer M, Li P,Melvin T, Williams R (2023) Learning From Experience and Finding the Right Balance in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health Technologies J Med Internet Res;25
Neil Pollock, Robin Williams, Luciana D'Adderio (2022), Figuring out IT markets: How and why industry analysts launch, adjust and abandon categories, Information and Organization, 32(1)
Philip Inglesant, Carolyn Ten Holter, Marina Jirotka & Robin Williams (2021): Asleep at the wheel? Responsible Innovation in quantum computing, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,
Kathrin Cresswell, Aziz Sheikh and Robin Williams (2021) Accelerating health information technology capabilities across England's National Health Service, The Lancet Digital Health
Robin Williams, Kathrin Cresswell et al. (2021) Using Blueprints to promote interorganizational knowledge transfer in digital health initiatives, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Kai Wang, Xiaobai Shen & Robin Williams (2020) Sequencing BGI: the evolution of expertise and research organisation in the world’s leading gene sequencing facility, New Genetics and Society
Sampa Hyysalo, Neil Pollock and Robin Williams (2019) Method Matters in the Social Study of Technology: Investigating the Biographies of Artifacts and Practices, Science and Technology Studies

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

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