Eurograd message

Message posted on 25/11/2022

[Dec 5] CELLS Winter Speaker Series: Dr. Krystal Tsosie, Indigenous DNA and Data Extraction

                Dear colleagues,

You are invited to join us for the next event in the online speaker series: Technoscience Beyond the Nation-State:
| Dec 5, 5-6pm CET / 9-10am US Mountain |
"Indigenous DNA and Data Extraction Beyond the Settler-Colonial State”
[Zoom registration here]

DNA and genomic data continue to be extracted from Indigenous peoples via ethically questionable means, despite the concerns expressed by global Indigenous peoples about co-optation and bio-commercialization of their peoples’ data. While the field of biomedicine is finally starting to recognize the importance of community-engaged approaches, DNA continues to be procured from Indigenous peoples whose rights and existence are differentially recognized by settler-colonial states. In fact, we see the permissive procurement of Indigenous peoples’ data along legal rules and ethical norms that are settler-colonial in construct which continue to disenfranchise Indigenous data sovereignties.

Bio: Krystal Tsosie (Diné/Navajo Nation), PhD, MPH, MA, is an Indigenous geneticist-bioethicist and Presidential Post-Doctoral Fellow transitioning to Assistant Professor in the School of Life Sciences (effective 01/2023) at Arizona State University. As an advocate for Indigenous genomic data sovereignty, she co-founded the first US Indigenous-led biobank, a 501c3 nonprofit research institution called the Native BioData Consortium.
Her research can be encapsulated in two main foci: Indigenous population genetics and bioethics. In particular, she focuses on bioethical engagement of Indigenous communities in genomics and data science to build trust. As a whole, her interest is in integrating genomic and data approaches to assess Indigenous variation contributing to health inequities.

Professor for Responsible Research and Innovation
Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences (CELLS)
Leibniz Universität Hannover
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