
STS Live
Rendering waste (in)visible though categories: A reflection of my view on waste.
by Artemis Papadaki-Anastasopoulou
The environmental footprint of social media hosting: Tinkering with Mastodon
by Stefan Laser, Anne Pasek, Estrid Sørensen, Mél Hogan, Mace Ojala, Jens Fehrenbacher, Maximilian Gregor Hepach, Leman Çelik, Koushik Ravi Kumar
Beyond Plasticity
by Tridibesh Dey
Cherish, not Perish
Call for Papers
Science as Culture (SaC): three Calls for Papers
by Science as Culture
STS Events
STS in context: Provincialising STS from central Europe
by Sarah R Davies, Tereza Stöckelová, Fredy Mora Gámez, Roos Hopman, Patrick Bieler, and workshop participants
News from the Council
Making STS better
by Maja Horst