
STS Live | #metoo
We-too? Sexism, feminism and STS
by Celia Roberts
#Metoo & feminist activism in India
by Mehroonisa Raiva and Salla Sariola
Violet spots against sexual harassment in the University: an activist collective response from Spain
by Irene Blanco-Fuente, Marta Eulalia Blanco-García, Paula Martín-Peláez, Syra Peláez-Orero, Carmen Romero-Bachiller
Invisible violence in STS: Lessons on challenges and tactics from the Chilean feminist movement
by Martin Pérez Comisso , Patricia Peña
The Cosmoethics of New Rights Movements
by Andrei Korbut
Centre for Gender & Science
by Marcela Linková
In Search of the Geopolitical and Epistemic Relocation of Czech Social Sciences
by Tereza Stöckelová
The Provocations of the Platypus
by Ian Lowrie
STS Events
Citizen engagement in science: Impressions from an international workshop on citizen science
by Joke Kenens, Michiel van Oudheusden, Gert Verschraegen, Ine Van Hoyweghen
Knowledge/Culture/Ecologies. Interdisciplinary perspectives on social-ecological transformations
by Juan Francisco Salazar, Manuel Tironi
“How to do research with Science and Technology Studies?” Workshop report on the empirical impact of STS
by Andreas Wagenknecht, Astrid Wiedmann, Katherin Wagenknecht, Philipp Goll
Circling the Square: Re-designing nature-cultures in a changing urban climate
by Ignacio Farías, Felix Remter, Regine Keller
EASST Activities
STS Interventions into Green Futures. A report on the EASST funded workshop organized in Poznań, Poland
by Aleksandra Lis, Agata Stasik