Neutrinos, Jet Fuel, Endings and Beginnings
by James Besse, Niki Vermeulen, Sarah Schönbauer, Vincenzo Pavone

IN MEMORIAM – Trevor Pinch (1952-2021)
by Wiebe Bijker and Karin Bijsterveld
Thank you to the outgoing EASST President
Celebrating our former EASST president Prof. Ulrike Felt
EASST Council
STS Live
Outer Space in the Museum Shop
by Eleanor Armstrong
The unbearable lightness of billionaires in space
by Richard Tutton
Utopia(s), Outer Space Law and Ecology
by Matjaz Vidmar and Saskia Vermeylen
STS Multiple
Building academic living spaces from heterogeneous networks: the story of STS Austria
by Helene Sorgner, Nikolaus Poechhacker
Bringing (digital) infrastructures (back) to life: an STS Austria workshop report
by Erik Aarden, Nikolaus Poechhacker
Cherish, not Perish
Curious Edinburgh
by Kate Bowell, Niki Vermeulen
Internationalisation in context: dominant and peripheral discourses
by Rodrigo Liscovsky Barrera
News from the Council
Dear EASST members
by Maja Horst
Conference updates in times of war
by Vincenzo Pavone
STS Events
Prestigious Holberg Prize goes to Sheila Jasanoff
by Hilde Reinertsen, Tone Druglitrø and Ana Delgado
The war in Ukraine and European (dis)integration: possible axes of change
by Ivan Tchalakov, Bilyana MIleva
Thoughts on Future STS
by Jarita Holbrook