Eurograd message

Message posted on 22/01/2025

CfP: Reconfiguring urban solution-infrastructures for “the good” | Deadline: 03.02.2025

Dear colleagues,

I would like to direct your attention to the call for panels for the STS Italia Conference (June 11th to 13th, 2025) in Milan. I would like to extend a warm invitation to you to participate in a panel that I am hosting on reconfiguring urban solutions and infrastructures towards the good.

This panel aims at bringing together interdisciplinary perspectives to examine how and what STS and critical scholarship can contribute to understanding and altering reconfigurations of solution infrastructures – that is how cities tackle transformation challenges – to shape them towards what we consider good. It encourages empirical examinations of activists, NGOs and both public and private actors that are explicit about transforming not only (solution) infrastructures but also norms and values. The goal of the panel is to speculate about the integration of existing concepts or frameworks such as care in future urban planning and digitization projects

You can find the complete panel description here: You can find the complete call for abstracts here:

The submission deadline is February 3, 2020. I am looking forward to your contributions!

Best regards,


–– Benedict Lang (he)

Researcher Science & Technology Studies Group European New School of Digital Studies

+49 172 462 19 29

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