CfP: Worlding Digital Health – Invitation to Submit to STS Italia Panel
Dear all,
The 10th annual STS Italia conference will be held June 11 to 13 at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. The call for abstracts closes on February 3, 2025.
In this panel we invite papers that examine current and alternative worldings of digital health, design, and health data integration. Building on Escobar (2018), McCann et al. (2013) and others, we approach worlding as a conception of practical ethics that calls attention to multiple and contingent ontologies, shaped by values, and performed in efforts to impose order. Worlds are ethical and political precisely because they are often associated with efforts to impose a singular order through sanctioned values and practices, often from centres of calculation in the Global North (Latour, 1987; Blaney & Tickner, 2017).
Contributions may examine (but are not limited to): (i) efforts increasingly undertaken by a diverse set of actors (from national governments to corporate entities) to establish or maintain platforms and infrastructures purposed towards extensive health data sharing across borders; (ii) the design of AI systems, and their apparently inexorable (though seldom uncontested) rise in health practice and policy; (iii) the establishment of supranational and international regimes of digital health governance; (iv) the rise of AI nationalism and the securitization of health, and (v) experiments with new modes of accountability, agency, and representativeness, in a context where the power to (re)shape our sociotechnical futures increasingly resides with “data oligarchs” of the information age, while moving away from the established centers of democratic decision-making.
Abstract Submission:
Sincerely, Joseph Donia & Luca Marelli
Joseph Donia, MSc, PhD(c) Postdoctoral Fellow University of Milan, Milan, Italy EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- Archive: Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. Website: Meet us on Mastodon: Or X:
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