Eurograd message

Message posted on 21/01/2025

Funded PhD scholarship – Infra-Legalities project – The University of Edinburgh

Dear all

I’m currently looking to recruit a PhD researcher as part of my UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship project, Infra-Legalities: Global Security Infrastructures, AI and International Law which is examining investigating how AI and automated decision-making is reshaping global security law and governance. The job ad is available here. Applications close on 17 February 2025. The successful applicant will be awarded a scholarship that includes a stipend for three years and that covers tuition fees (at UK or international rates). There is also additional funding included for fieldwork. They will be part of an exciting research team with myself and two postdoctoral researchers, and a wider international network of policy-orientated project partners and academic collaborators.

There are three project workstreams in the Infra-Legalities project: (i) digital border infrastructures (ii) platform security infrastructures; and (iii) counterterrorism watchlisting infrastructures. The PhD researcher will be expected to work in one of these areas, commencing in September 2025 at Edinburgh Law School. Applicants may come from a range of disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary backgrounds (including STS, Critical Data Studies, Critical Security Studies etc). A background in law is desirable, but not essential. The scholarship is open to UK, EU and international applicants, but the successful candidate will need to be based in Edinburgh.

For more information about this PhD scholarship and position, please contact:



Dr. Gavin Sullivan

Reader in International Human Rights Law Edinburgh Law School, University of Edinburgh UKRI Future Leaders Fellow (2021 – 2028)

infra-legalities Global Security Infrastructures Artificial Intelligence & International Law


Latest Book: The Law of the List: UN Counterterrorism Sanctions and the Politics of Global Security Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020).


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336. EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- Archive: Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. Website: Meet us on Mastodon: Or X:

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