EASST Review Volume 31 (3) Sept 2012


My Climate Sin

My Climate Sin Editorial by Ann Rudinow Sætnan I confess. Mea culpa. I am a climate sinner. Not a climate change denier. Oh, no! I know I’m contributing to climate change, and I know how bad it’s getting. And yet, I continue to sin. Not constantly, mind you. Not on an everyday basis. I generally walk, bike, or take public transport. I turn down the heat and put on a sweater. I don’t leave lights on all over the house. I prefer locally sourced or fair trade, organically grown food. The same goes for clothing. I recycle. Recognizing that these

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My Climate Sin

My Climate Sin Editorial by Ann Rudinow Sætnan I confess. Mea culpa. I am a climate sinner. Not a climate change denier. Oh, no! I