
STS Live
From a politics of difference to a politics of sameness, and back!
by Amade M’charek
What came before Post-Truth?
by Kregg Hetherington
Not a Very Slippery Slope: A Reply to Fuller
by Sergio Sismondo
STS Multiple | Copenhagen
Playgrounding Techno-Anthropology
by Mette Simonsen Abildgaard, Andreas Birkbak, Torben Elgaard Jensen, Anders Koed Madsen, Anders Kristian Munk
Five recent play dates
by Mette Simonsen Abildgaard, Andreas Birkbak, Torben Elgaard Jensen, Anders Koed Madsen, Anders Kristian Munk
Cherish not Perish
STS Events
Infrastructural choreography of STS scholars
by Nikolay Rudenko, Liliia Zemnukhova
Sensor Publics: Report from a workshop on the politics of sensing and data infrastructures
by Laurie Waller, Nina Witjes
News from EASST Council
by EASST Council