Special issue “Public Participation Amidst Hostility" published
Dear colleagues,
I would like to share with you a special issue $B!H(BPublic participation amidst hostility$B!I(B that emerged from the discussions at the EASST-2022 panel $B!H(BUnseen participation: When the uninvited shape matters of collective concern$B!I(B.
This special issue focuses on conflicts and tensions participatory practices are imbued and surrounded with. Included papers foreground intriguing ambiguities that emerge as a result. Not only can participation be welcome and unwelcome at the same time, but hostilities to participation may occasionally open windows of opportunity for participatory practices instead of suppressing them. Striving to participate despite hostilities, actors employ practices that often uneasily entwine collaboration and contentiousness in relation to authorities; all the while, very similar participatory practices that blossom despite being unwelcome may have vastly different effects, some supportive and others corrosive of democracy. Overall, the papers in this special issue show how hostilities co$B!>(Bdevelop together with specific participatory practices that, in turn, attune to, navigate, and resist the particular (hostile) circumstances in which they arise.
In the editorial to the special issue, Claudia Egher and I reflect on the ambivalence and, in some cases, agonistic quality of participatory processes in contemporary societies, where mutually constitutive relations between participation and hostilities towards it shape matters of collective concern, political agendas, and possible futures. The editorial is here and the full special issue can be accessed here. All papers are open access, free to download, read, and share.
All the best,
Olga Zvonareva, PhD
Assistant professor Department of Health, Ethics and Society (HES) Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI) Maastricht University EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- eurograd-easst.net@lists.easst.net Archive: https://lists.easst.net/hyperkitty/list/eurograd-easst.net@lists.easst.net/ Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. Website: https://easst.net/easst_eurograd/ Meet us on Mastodon: https://assemblag.es/@easst Or X: https://twitter.com/STSeasst
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