Eurograd message

Message posted on 31/01/2025

Call for Contributions – Digitizing natur=?utf-8?q?e=3A A workshop on the use of digital environmental technologies ?= =?utf-8?q?in everyday life=2C hosted by Lund University=2C October 23=2C 20?= 25

(Apologies for cross-posting)

Welcome to Digitizing nature: A workshop on the use of digital environmental technologies in everyday life

Event date: October 23, 2025 Location: Lund University

This workshop invites scholars in the humanities and social sciences to discuss and explore the role and use of digital environmental technologies in policies, in professional use and in everyday life. We particularly invite papers that critically engage with environmental data as an everyday practice, and welcome participants to reflect on questions such as: In which ways do digitized ways of obtaining environmental data change practices and perceptions? How are digital environmental technologies incorporated into everyday practices? How do people make meaning from environmental datasets? How is environmental data used in context? And in which ways does digital monitoring of the environment affect our relations to nature – temporally, spatially, emotionally?

We welcome empirical or conceptual contributions discussing these or related issues. Your contribution can be at any stage of completion and in a form of your choice – e.g., a reflection, idea, snapshot, poem, dictionary entry, audio piece, article draft or essay. Your creativity sets the limits. Professor Anne Beaulieu, University of Groningen – co-author of Data and Society: A critical introduction and of Knowledge Infrastructures for Liveable Futures (forthcoming with Bristol University Press) will hold a short presentation, introducing core issues for the workshop participants to later engage in by means of smaller discussion groups.

Please see the full Call for Contributions at

Deadline for submitting contributions: April 17, 2025 Deadline for registration: June 16, 2025


Best regards, Björn Ekström (University of Borås) and Carin Graminius (University of Borås)

Digitizing nature is organized with funding from FORMAS and Mistra Environmental Communication and hosted by Lund University.

Björn Ekström, PhD Lecturer Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) University of Borås, Sweden EASST's Eurograd mailing list -- Archive: Edit your delivery settings there using Account dropdown, Mailman settings. Website: Meet us on Mastodon: Or X:

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