Eurograd message

Message posted on 16/12/2024

STS Italia: Quantum social science, reflexivity and STS

Dear all,

If you are interested in critically engaging with 'other reals', especially those enacted by a non-mathematized reading of quantum theory -- Milan and STS Italia (June 11-13, 2025) is you place to be!

We invite you to submit to the session "Quantum social science, reflexivity and STS: Engaging with agential realism and other reals": Quantum social science, reflexivity and STS_ Engaging with agential realism and other reals (ID_21)_pdf

The ambition of engaging with other reals is not, of course, to arrive at a better formulation of what reality 'really' is but, as Woolgar and Lazaun suggested, "to interfere with the assumption of a singular, well ordered world".

This panel has the aim to politicize Cartesian/Newtonian reals - challenge their taken-for-grantedness in mundane lifeworld settings - and also to discuss other reals, like those of quantum theory and their relevance to make the world a somewhat better place.

Pls submit your abstracts (max 500 words) through the conference platform! The closing date for submission is February 3, 2025.

See you in Milan!


Robert Braun Senior Researcher|Science, Technology and Social Transformation T: +43 1 59991 - 134 Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) Josefstdter Strae 39, 1080 Vienna [A red and black background Description automatically generated] Sign up for the IHS-Newsletter! Most recent papers (2024):

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