Eurograd message

Message posted on 05/12/2023

Call for Papers EASST 4S Amsterdam - Open Panel on Understanding and interpreting technology in STS and Philosophy of Technology

Dear colleague,

We cordially invite you to submit a paper to our panel:

Understanding and interpreting technology in STS and Philosophy of Technology

Traditional Open Panel P250 at conference EASST-4S 2024 Amsterdam: Making and Doing Transformations.

Please find more information below and don’t hesitate to reach out to us, if you have any questions.

All the best Martin

Dr. Martin Sand Assistant Professor Ethics and Philosophy of Technology, TU Delft Board Member of the Delft Young Academy Department of Values, Technology and Innovation | Jaffalaan 5 | 2628 BX Delft

  • Sand, M. (2023). Über Begriff und Wert digitaler Utopien. Homo technologicus: Menschenbilder in den Technikwissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts K. Liggieri and M. Tamborini. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer: pp. 33-54.
  • van de Poel, I. and Sand, M. (2023). Responsibility beyond control. Risk and Responsibility in Context. A. Placani and S. Broadhead. New York, Routledge: pp. 31-50.
  • Grunwald, A., Nordmann, A., Sand, M. (2023). The call of the future – Hermeneutics, history, and technology. Routledge. 978-1-0323-4465-2.
  • Copeland, S., Ross, W., Sand, M. (2023). Serendipity Science - An Emerging Field and its Methods.

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