Eurograd message

Message posted on 19/09/2023

Vacancy Postdoc Quantifying Dutch Historical Sustainability Trade-offs

Apologies for cross posting, please share widely We are searching for a Postdoc researcher in the project Sustainability Trade-offs in the Netherlands' Entangled Modernisation (STONEM), 1900-2020 at Eindhoven University of Technology.

Our envisioned Postdoc will perform quantitative historical analyses on the dynamics in the trade of global commodities and sustainability trade-offs, between the Netherlands and selected foreign regions. More details on the job offering can be found here: eoffs-in-a-longterm-perspective-1024614.html.

Reactions are welcome until Oktober 15th

The Postdoc will be part of the project Sustainability Trade-offs in the Netherlands' Entangled Modernisation, 1900-2020. (STONEM) The project studies the historical developments of Dutch imports of raw materials and goods have and its profound consequences for economic, social, and ecological developments elsewhere on the planet. Details of the program can be found here:

The project is funded by Dutch Science foundation NWO and is a collaboration of Eindhoven University of Technology, Utrecht University, Wageningen University and Netherlands Statistics.

If you are interested we hope you will apply

If you know scholars that would have an interest in this position, please do not hesitate to forward this information.

Best regards, Frank Veraart

[TUe-logo-descriptor-line-scarlet-rgb] Dr. ir. F.C.A. Veraart Assistant Professor / Project coordinator STONEM Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences Technology Innovation & Society

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