Eurograd message

Message posted on 06/09/2023

Hybrid Philosophy of Astronomy & Cosmology Colloquium

The Utrecht Philosophy of Astronomy & Cosmology Research Group (UPAC ) is organising a weekly colloquium on the philosophy of astronomy, astro(particle) physics and cosmology, which can be attended either in person or online. The colloquium takes place on Tuesdays (starting on the 3rd of October) and rotates between three formats: a speaker presentation, a reading group session, and a work-in-progress session. It is possible to sign up for the UPAC Colloquium mailing list here . (Please check your spam folder for an email with a confirmation link to complete the subscription process!) All other info, including the schedule, can be found at: s/upac-colloquium. For questions, please contact

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­­Dr Niels Martens | University Lecturer | Utrecht University | Freudenthal Institute | Descartes Centre | Utrecht Philosophy of Astronomy & Cosmology (UPAC) | Philosophy Co-lead of ngEHT Collaboration | Buys Ballot Building, room 3.11 | Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht |

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New free access publications: "Big STEM collaborations should include humanities and social science" , "ngEHT Key Science Goals white paper" & "Doing More with Less: Dark Matter & Modified Gravity"

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