Eurograd message

Message posted on 02/06/2023

[Call for Papers] World(s)-making practices through caring and commoning - Deadline June 14th, 2023

Apologies for crossposting

The Call for Papers for the special issues " World(s)-making practices through caring and commoning"  to be published on Tecnoscienza - Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies is still open to receive contributions.

The overarching interest of this call is to problematize, reflect and investigate research engagements within care and commoning practices and is driven by questions such as: what does it mean to approach the commons as matters of care? How do we, as scholars, navigate the tensions, alignments, synergies, overlaps, or ruptures between our research agendas and knowledge politics with those of the commons? How does engaging with and researching the commons with care affect our researchers’ selves and our fields? What can an engagement with commoning practices tell us about care? What renewed theoretical, empirical, or methodological understandings do we gain by engaging with those assemblages that attend to the making and imagining of fairer and more sustainable futures through the lenses of care and commoning?

Guest editors Giacomo Poderi (IT University of Copenhagen), Mariacristina Sciannamblo (“Sapienza” University of Rome) and Maurizio Teli (Aalborg University) invite you to submit papers aimed at investigating e the relationships and interplay between STS intervention-oriented research and those world-making practices that try to either maintain and repair our world and to re-enchant and re-configure it in multiple post-capitalist, post-humanist or post- developmental ways.

The call (see attachment) welcomes contributions covering a wide range of topics and application domains, which can include (but are not limited to): • disciplinary intersections and contaminations among STS, design, and commons studies; • knowledge co-creation, co-design processes, material publics and grassroot innovation in commoning practices, environmental activism, and sustainability transition in and through STS; • the precariousness, mundane, often-neglected, everyday work in care and commoning practices; • the becoming into commoners as affective and relational practices of care and co-becoming; • theoretical and methodological approaches for action-research, participatory design, or research as intervention as forms of caring and commoning; • complexities, opportunities, ruptures, and contradictions in making new alliances between researchers, activists, local populations, and institutions; • sites of ambivalence and contradictions in caring and commoning practices. Deadline for abstract submissions: June 14th, 2023 Abstracts (in English) with a maximum length of 500 words should be sent as email attachments to _and carbon copied to the guest editors.

  •     Notification of acceptance will be communicated by early July 2023.
  •     Full papers (in English with a maximum length of 8,000 words including notes and references) will be due by October 30th 2023 and will be subject to a double blind peer review process.
  •     Expected publication in 2025.

For information and questions, please do not hesitate to contact the guest editors: Giacomo Poderi, Mariacristina Sciannamblo,

Maurizio Teli,

-- Paolo Giardullo, PhD Assistant Professor in Sociology @University of Padova Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) Section of Sociology Via Cesarotti 10/12 - 35121 PADOVA - ITALY Pa.S.T.I.S. Research Unit

STS Italia Secretary (2022-2024)

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