Eurograd message

Message posted on 24/01/2023

doc and post-doc positions in EMOROB project /affective computing, emotion AI and autism

Dear colleagues,

We are seeking to hire 1 PhD and 2 post-doc researchers to join our new project EMOROB (Robots, Computing the Human and Autism/Cultural Imaginations of Autism Diagnosis and Emotion AI, 2023-2027) - funded by EXPRO program/ Czech Science Foundation.

The project analyses human-robot interaction and explores imaginations and genealogy of the affective computing in the context of autism treatment, their cultural metaphors and codes. The project EMOROB asks how did the metaphors of social robotics and affective computing used in the context of autism treatment influence and mirror our view of more-than-human embodiment and sociality, normality/otherness, agency, inequalities, and medical treatment itself. The EMOROB team will carry out critical discourse analysis, material semiotic analysis and interviews with people in the field.

Deadline for applications is 20 February. The positions are full time - more info about project here: Here the link to e-application:

Please, spread info about this call. Kind regards,

Eva Slesingerova

Eva Šlesingerová, PhD. Associate Professor

*Masaryk University Faculty of Social Studies, Department of Sociology/Social Anthropology* A: Joštova 10 602 00 Brno Czech Republic T: +420 549 496404 M: +420 608 57 00 70 E: W: ResearchGate profile

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