Call for Papers: ISA 2023 in Montreal, Canada Panel “Corporeality, Embodiment, and the Security Governance of Mobility”
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Call for Papers: ISA 2023 in Montreal, Canada Panel “Corporeality, Embodiment, and the Security Governance of Mobility”
This panel aims to explore the different ways in which corporeality and embodiment matter in the security governance of transnational mobility.
While the body becomes increasingly datafied by computer systems, it is never disincarnated, and corporeality matters in different ways in the securitization of transnational migration flows. How the body is embodied (e.g. being a racialized person, and older woman), disembodied (e.g., genetic testing, bone density measures), but also perceived and identified (e.g., victim of human trafficking, child, Muslim or trans person), as well as handled (e.g. instruction manuals aimed at security guards to handle deportees or children) often hang on the deployment of legal and security apparatus of mobility control put in place that are fraught with consequences for people crossing borders.
We are looking for papers that explore, through different case studies, how corporeality and embodied and disembodied elements still attached to the body (e.g., visible religious symbols, the datification of the number of cross-border movements of a person over a given period of time, the contrast of a person's gender on his/her/their passport with his/her/their appearance when examined by a customs officer) feed into the cross-border security apparatus, thus partaking in the distribution of trust and distrust among the actors who manage it and the people who come in contact with it. We are interested in papers that relate to one of the following questions: How do bodies become conflictual sites of truth during a migrant’s journey? How do disembodied elements attributed to the body feed into the cross-border security apparatus and participate in a distribution of trust and distrust among the actors who manage it? Why and how are bodies handled by oneself and others during migration journeys, deportation processes or migrant apprehensions? How does the law adapt to the security context of mobility management where the norm does not define the body in advance, but where the body, in its individuality and multiplicity, becomes the norm?
Perspectives informed by, but not limited to, anthropology, sociology, feminist, queer and gender studies, law, security studies, and STS studies are especially welcome.
To be considered, paper proposals must be submitted with a complete title, abstract (strict 200-word limit), email address, and institutional affiliation by May 29 to Anne-Marie D'Aoust at
- If you would like to serve as a referee in selecting the papers, or would like to serve as a discussant, please send an email by May 29, including your short bio, to Anne-Marie D'Aoust at with the subject line "Referee/discussant for ISA panel“.
Anne-Marie D'Aoust (elle/she)
Professeure régulière | Associate Professor Département de science politique | Université du Québec à Montréal T:(514) 987-3000, x5237
Case postale 8888, succ. Centre-Ville, A-3445 | Montréal, Québec | H3C 3P8, Canada
All the best,
Lisa Marie Borrelli, Prof. Dr. rer. soc.
Associate Professor UAS
School of Social Work Institute of Social Work +41 58 606 92 50
Route de la Plaine 2 3960 Siders
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