Eurograd message

Message posted on 26/06/2024

Invitation to Panel discussion on Responsible Innovation Communication, 4 July 6-8pm (hybrid)

                *Apologies for cross-posting*

Dear colleagues & friends,

We would like to extend a cordial invitation to the panel discussion "Responsible Innovation Communication: Needs, challenges and opportunities" organized by Ruth Müller, Chair of Science and Technology Policy (TUM), and Maja Horst (Aarhus University), Hans Fischer Senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies (TUM).

Particularly in the age of Artificial Intelligence, the social spaces, and arenas in which communication about innovation happens multiply rapidly. At the same time, innovation communication is often characterized by hype cycles, invocations of disruption as well as utopian and dystopian accounts of the future. In this panel, we raise the question what responsible innovation communication could look like. To this end, we have invited experts from academia and practice to discuss how more responsible ways of communicating about innovations could take shape.

Responsible Innovation Communication: Needs, Challenges, and Opportunities
Thursday, 4th of July 2024, 18:00-20:00
Conversation, drinks, and finger food afterwards
Location: Augustenstr. 40 (Brienner Forum, House F), 1st floor
Please register here for in-person attendance!

Silke Beck, Chair of Sociology of Science and Technology, TUM
Jana Diesner, Chair of Human Centered Computing, TUM
Maja Horst, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, TUM-IAS Fellow
Ulrich Marsch, Managing Director of TUM-IAS
Jeanne Rubner, Vice President Global Communication and Engagement, TUM

If you would like to attend online, please use the following Zoom link:

[Meeting-ID: 691 5376 0016 | Password: 388011]

Feel free to circulate this invitation to interested colleagues, friends, and students.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

This talk is organized by the IAS Focus Group on Reponsible Innovation Communication (Host: Ruth Müller, Fellow: Maja Horst).


The IAS Focus Group Responsible Innovation Communication

Dominic Lammar, M.A.

Doctoral Research Associate | Doktorand
Science and Technology Policy | Wissenschafts- und Technologiepolitik
Pronouns: he/him

Technische Universität München
Department of Science, Technology, and Society
Augustenstraße 46
80333 Mùˆnchen, Germany
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