Eurograd message

Message posted on 30/05/2024

TATuP: Call for Special topic guest editors

                This is a kind reminder of our Call for Special topic guest editors! 😊

With best regards from TATup editorial office

Gesendet: Dienstag, 9. April 2024 10:05
Betreff: TATuP: Call for Special topic guest editors

TATuP - Call for Special topic guest editors

Dear colleagues,

  TATuP – Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory
and Practice is looking for guest editors for future TATuP Special topics!

This Call for Special topic guest editors (CfSTE) addresses experts who would
like to guest edit a special topic in journal TATuP.

Submission deadline 30/06/2024, for details on the submission process see the
journal's   website.

This CfSTE advertises for Special topics as of issue 34/3 (2025). The
editorial process for a special topic begins approx. 12 months before
publication, i.e. approx. November 2024 for the next possible TATuP Special
topic of this call.

TATuP is peer-reviewed and accessible free of charge both online and in print
(diamond open access for authors and readers). The journal is published three
times a year and is indexed, amongst others, in the
 databases Scopus, DOAJ,
Crossref, Google Scholar etc.

TATuP publishes current scientific research results as well as practical and
problem-oriented findings from the interdisciplinary and interlocking fields
of technological innovation, social change and policy advice. TATuP aims at a
high outreach by addressing research findings and policy recommendations also
to transdisciplinary stakeholders.

Each issue of TATuP publishes a series of peer-reviewed research articles on a
specific empirical or conceptual field of technology assessment in the
“Special topic” section. For an overview of previously published TATuP
special topics and research articles, please visit the journal's archive.

By editing a TATuP special topic, you will make an important contribution to
debates on technology assessment and at the same time strengthen your research

We look forward to receiving your suggestions!

TATuP editorial office


TATuP – Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis
Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

Karlstr. 11

76133 Karlsruhe, Germany

(   +49 721 608-26014

7 +49 721 608-24806
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