Eurograd message

Message posted on 28/02/2024

Combined PhD Course and Public Seminar: The ends of data: theories, methods, and interventions in critical data and AI studies

                Combined PhD Course and Public Seminar:

The ends of data: theories, methods, and interventions in critical data and AI

What are the ends of data-meaning, which purposes are they created to serve?
And what are the ends of data- meaning, when and how are data permitted to
expire, be deleted, or die? This public seminar and PhD course investigates
the intersection of these two questions within data-intensive social practices
and infrastructures, where historical data are consistently integrated into
new routines, domains, and frameworks to address novel inquiries (read more

Copenhagen University, June 12, 2024, 11-18

Keynotes from: Professor Mary Ebeling (Drexel University) and Professor Ulrike
Felt (University of Vienna)

Call for Abstracts for Public seminar: The ends of data: theories, methods,
and interventions in critical data and AI studies | The Event

                          Sign up for PhD course (June 12-14, Copenhagen

                          Organized by Associate Professor Nanna Bonde
Thylstrup, Copenhagen University, Professor Klaus Hoeyer, Copenhagen
University and Associate Professor Helene Ratner, Aarhus University

Helene Friis Ratner
Associate professor, PhD
Director of Master in Educational
Principal investigator of Datavisions: Teaching in the age of digital data
Co-principal investigator Algorithms, Data and Democracy

Danish School of Education
Aarhus University, Campus Copenhagen

Telephone: +45 3082 6019
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