The EASST Review has COVID-19
by Niki Vermeulen, Sarah Maria Schönbauer, Vincenzo Pavone

STS Live
The shadow theater of dueling modalities: A note on pandemic simulation
by Aiko Hibino, Masato Fukushima
Pathogenic Imaginaries and Covid-19 Denialism
by Renan Gonçalves Leonel da Silva
Going Virtual: The ethnographic gaze in pandemic times
by Sophia Rossmann
SPROUTs of Hope in Times of Crisis
by Hendrik Wagenaar, Barbara Prainsack
Cherish, not Perish
Writing the Social Studies of Science
by Des Fitzgerald, Amy Hinterberger
STS multiple
The digital minced meat
by Anders Kristian Munk
Data sprints and coding retreats
by Anders Kristian Munk
STS Events
Webinar Report: “Back to Normal? Social Justice & DOHaD in the COVID Era”
by Michael Penkler
Lived Solidarity in the Austrian Healthcare System
by Wanda Spahl, Barbara Prainsack
News from the Council
EASST election results
by Ulrike Felt
Statement of the new President
by Maja Horst