European Spring?
European Spring? Editorial by Ann Rudinow Sætnan It’s been just over two years now (www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2011/mar/22/middle-east-protest-interactive-timeline) since Mohamed Bouazizi, in frustration/desperation/depression/fury over unemployment, corruption and tyranny
Prototyping an Academic Network: People, Places and Connections
Prototyping an Academic Network: People, Places and Connections Three Years of the Spanish Network for Science and Technology Studies by Adolfo Estalella, Rebeca Ibáñez Martín,
Bridging the gaps – Summer Schools on Climate Engineering
Bridging the gaps – Summer Schools on Climate Engineering by Nils Matzner and Miranda Böttcher As the study of climate engineering (CE) is an emerging
SAME, SAME BUT DIFFERENT Review of EASST/4S Conference Track “Comparing and Connecting Concepts of Practice”1 by Stefan Laube, International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna