Eurograd message

Message posted on 12/10/2024

Conference "Pesticides: Regulatory science in question" - 24/25 octobre 2024, Paris, Univ. Eiffel

Dear colleagues,

You are invited to join the forthcoming conference on "Pesticides: regulatory science in question", to be held on the 24th and 25th of October 2024, in Paris

Its objective is to discuss and question how regulatory toxicology is evolving under the emergence of parallel criticisms and ways of knowing pesticides of academic scientists, agrochemical firms and CROs, as well as environmental NGOs. How, and how far is regulatory science evolving in the framework of this ecology of diverse pesticides knowledge?

The conference is the final event of a project conducted at LISIS/INRAE, with Stockholm University, and funded by the French National Cancer Institute ( Controversy in carcinogenicity expertise: capturing agrochemical modes of action ).

Further information and registration at

Best wishes,

David Demortain

Directeur de recherche INRAE Directeur du Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Socits (UMR LISIS CNRS/INRAE/Uni Gustave Eiffel)

Recent publications

Mistrust of the black box. The public auditing of private models in the

chemicals regulatory space, Science as Culture, 2024.

How Scientists become Experts - or Dont. Social Organization of Research

and Engagement in Scientific Advice in a Toxicology Laboratory, Social Studies of Science, 2023.

Experts in the Regulation of Technology and Risk: An Ecological Perspective

on Regulatory Science. In Eyal & Medvetz, The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics, 2023.

The Digitalization of Risk Assessment: Fulfilling the Promises of

Prediction? In Antonsen & Le Coze, Safety in the Digital Age, Springer, 2023.

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