Eurograd message

Message posted on 11/10/2024

CfP: Diffracting urban greening @STS-Hub Berlin 2025

Dear colleagues and friends,

we are warmly inviting contributions to the panel

Diffracting urban greening: Re-thinking species collectives beyond ‘nature’, ‘landscape’, ‘ecology’, and ‘infrastructure’,

Convenors: Charrlotte Adelina (FU Berlin) and Elisabeth Luggauer (HU Berlin)

@STSHub 2025, March 11 - 14 2025, Humboldt University of Berlin!

With the accelerating climate crisis, plants are increasingly enrolled in interventions furthering multispecies health and livability. Urban greening is intertwined with the many anthropocentric, colonial, racial-capitalist, gendered, and casteist power dynamics inscribed in the planning and inhabiting of cities and the ordering of 'green spaces', often re-asserting techno-scientific and colonial tropes of 'inert' greenery. Thus, critical approaches toward urban greenery as symbolic interactions and species collectives demand diffracting perspectives across scales, temporalities and epistemic divides. Mobilizing 'diffraction' with Donna Haraway and Karen Barad as the critical mapping out of how differences matter and as a technique of thinking one through a different other, this panel aims to diffract perspectives on urban greening beyond 'nature', 'landscape', 'ecology', and 'infrastructure'. For example, how do perspectives on cities, futures in climate crisis, etc., alter when thinking greenery through multispecies collectives and the effects they pose to urban cohabitation? Or, how do more than human justice and health change when re-thinking 'greening' through situated forms of power and socio-cultural engagements in urban spaces? We invite critical and experimental contributions from STS, multispecies anthropology and geography, feminist and decolonial ecologies and situated political ecologies, as well as others, to diffract together perspectives on emergent practices of urban greening.

Deadline for submissions of abstracts: 31. October 2024.

The maximum length for abstracts is 200 words, and please add a short biography of 75 words for each author.

Contact for submission & questions:

More information on the STSHub 2025 Diffracting the Critical, 11. - 14. March 2025 @HU-Berlin can be found here: .

Please share widely! And we are very much looking forward to contributions!

With kind regards, Elisabeth Luggauer and Charrlotte Adelina

Elisabeth Luggauer (sie/she)

Senior Researcher & Lecturer Institute for European Ethnology (IfEE) HU-Berlin Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Str. (ehem. M*str.) 41 10117 Berlin

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recently published:

Ethnografieren in europäischen (Semi-)Peripherien? Vom Re-Perspektivieren in Kontaktzonen. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde LXXVIII/127, Heft 1, 5-33.

Time-traveling the time-travel in(to) heat. Thoughts and speculations about thermic futures in urban spaces. In: Berliner Blätter: Elemental Urbanism, 87 (2024), 159-166, co-authored with Jorge Martín Sainz de los Terreros, and edited by Ignacio Farías & Laura Kemmer.

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