Eurograd message

Message posted on 07/06/2024

STS North Summer School (27-29 August 2024)

Dear all,

Please spread the word!

CIRST at UQAM, Queens Sociology Department, and York's Institute for Technoscience & Society are organizing the inaugural STS North Summer School!

It's for early career STS scholars in Canada, primarily aimed at all PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. Come join us for three days of intellectual debate, hands-on workshops, ethnographic field trips, and other fun activities.

Where: Montreal, 27-29 August 2024

Application deadline: 30 June 2024

Application process (English or French): xbsE8zlZ5aEZg/viewform

There is some funding available for participants.

Organizers: Florence Millerand, Jean-Benoit Cormier Landry, Norma Mllers, and Kean Birch

Hope to see you there!


Kean Birch

Director & Professor, Institute for Technoscience & Society

Ontario Research Chair in Science Policy (from July 2024)

Co-Editor, Science as Culture

Series Editor, Technoscience & Society Book Series, University of Toronto Press

Editorial Board Member, Science, Technology & Human Values; Social Epistemology; Progress in Economic Geography; Humanities & Social Sciences Communications; OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology; and Digital.

Twitter | Website | LinkedIn

Tel.: (+1) 416-736-2100

Institute for Technoscience & Society | York University

4700 Keele Street Toronto ON, Canada M3J 1P3


Birch, K. (2023) Data Enclaves, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Scott, S. et al. (eds) (2023) Business and Society: A Critical Introduction (2nd edition), London: Bloomsbury.

Birch, K. & Muniesa, F. (eds) (2020) Assetization: Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism, Cambridge MA: MIT Press [Open Access].


Birch, K., Marquis, S. and Silva, G.C. (online) Understanding data valuation: Valuing Google's data assets, IEEE Transactions on Technology & Society. [Open Access]

Birch, K. and Ward, C. (2024) Assetization and the new asset geographies, Dialogues in Human Geography 14(1): 9-29. [Open Access]

Birch, K. and Ward, C. (2024) Response: Struggling over new asset geographies, Dialogues in Human Geography 14(1): 47-50.

Birch, K. (2024) Assetization as a mode of techno-economic governance: Knowledge, education, and personal data in the UNs System of National Accounts, Economy & Society 53(1): 15-38. [Open Access]

Amuchastegui, M., Birch, K. and Kaltenbrunner, W. (2023) The intersections between sociology and STS: A Big Data approach, Sociological Perspectives 66(5): 868-887. [Open Access]

Birch, K. (2023) There are no markets anymore: From neoliberalism to Big Tech, State of Power 2023 Report, The Transnational Institute (3 Feb) [Open Access].

Birch, K. and Ward, C. (2023) Introduction: Critical approaches to rentiership, Environment and Planning A 55(6): 1429-1437

Birch, K. (2023) Reflexive expectations in innovation financing: An analysis of venture capital as a mode of valuation, Social Studies of Science 53(1): 29-48 [Open Access].

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