Reminder CfA - Nuclear revival and legacies conference - Paris - 21-22 October 2024
Apologies for cross-posting!
Dear Colleagues,
The deadlines for submission for the international conference on “Nuclear Legacies and Revivals” that will take place on 21st-22nd October 2024 at the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Champs sur Marne (Paris) – summary below - has been postponed to June 13th, 2024. Abstracts should be submitted on the "New submission" page of this platform: Authors need to create a account and login with their account before submitting (we advise that first, you search with your name if you don't already have one).The conference will be in English. It will based on oral presentations; written papers will not be requested before the conference. There is no conference fee, but participants have to cover their traveling expenses (transport, accommodation in Paris or Noisy-Champs, etc.). Invitation letters can be provided if needed for visa support, after the abstracts have been accepted. This conference aims to bring together social science and humanities perspectives on nuclear issues in an unprecedented context. Sociology, history, philosophy, anthropology, geography, political science, economy, and Science and Technology Studies approaches can complement each other to provide new insights into developments in this sector. Short Abstract: In the context of climate change and geopolitical tensions over energy supply, calls for a nuclear « revival », « relaunch » or « renaissance » are reviving and reconfiguring justifications and promises that have accompanied nuclear technology since the post-war years. Nuclear futures are framed by categories, practices and materials inherited from the past and perpetuated until today. What happens when the nuclear industry is simultaneously faced with issues of decline and renewal? How does this configuration shed light on the challenges of managing infrastructures that are presented as crucial in the context of climate change? Please find the complete call attached to this email. We very much look forward to receiving your submissions. Please feel free to share this with your colleagues and networks.
Best wishes,
Martin Denoun (Spiral, University of Liège) Maël Goumri (LAMSADE, University of Paris Dauphine) Claire Le Renard (LATTS, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech) Ange Pottin (ERC project INNORES, University of Vienna)
Martin Denoun Chercheur post-doctorant / Postdoctoral fellow Spiral, Université de Liège / University of Liège martin.denoun [at]
Spiral, ULiège, Quartier Agora - Place des Orateurs 3, Bât. B-31, Bte 8 – 4000 Liège, Belgium Mundane Decay Project
[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of Nuclear revival and legacies conference CfA 2024.pdf]
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