Eurograd message

Message posted on 03/02/2025

ITS Seminar Series: Professor Fabian Muniesa

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The Institute for Technoscience and Society Seminar Series is taking place on February 10th at 11:00am EST featuring Professor Fabian Muniesa from the Centre de Sociologie de lInnovation, Mines, Paris, France.

Zoom Link:

Join us for Professor Muniesas Book Talk:

Book Talk: Paranoid Finance There is a link between finance and paranoia, and that link may well be inescapable. At the core of financial imagination lies a notion of value of value creation that is loaded with trouble. This is the trouble of a fragile metaphor: a metaphor of fecund money and future return, of true value and false value, of true value that should be protected from the perils of dilapidation, expropriation and speculation, but whose substance is in fact nowhere to be found.

Contemporary conspiratorial, millennialist discourse on money, banking and wealth does not embody a delirious misrepresentation of the logic of finance: rather, it exacerbates the paranoid potentials inherent in mainstream financial imagination. This is the radical hypothesis developed in this book: that of paranoid finance as a sedimentation of the demons that haunt the conventional categories of financial value.

Tutorials abound today that guarantee access to secret knowledge about the financial system, to magical currencies that release eternal returns, to legal schemes conducive to personal sovereignty, and to a way out of economic enslavement. They often combine disparate elements of esotericism, conspiratorialism, antisemitism, populism, libertarianism or spiritualism. But as Muniesa shows, they also provide a testbed for a critique of the limits of financial imagination.

Speaker Bio: Fabian Muniesa is a researcher at the Centre de Sociologie de lInnovation, Ecole des Mines de Paris.

Email with any questions of concerns,


Dayna L. Jeffrey (She/Her) PhD Candidate Science & Technology Studies Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies YORK UNIVERSITY

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