Message posted on 18/07/2019

CfP on Intercultural Digital Ethics

From: Nikita Aggarwal
> Subject: CfP on Intercultural Digital Ethics

> -----------------------------------
> Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Philosophy and Technology on
Intercultural Digital Ethics
> Recent advances in the capability of digital information technologies,
particularly due to advances in machine learning, have invigorated the debate
on the ethical issues surrounding their use. However, up till now, this debate
has been dominated by ‘Western’ ethical perspectives, to the exclusion of
broader ethical and socio-cultural perspectives. This imbalance carries risks,
particularly where the ethical norms and values designed into these
technologies collide with those of the communities in which they are delivered
and deployed. This edited collection seeks to fill this crucial gap in the
literature on digital ethics by bringing together a range of cultural, social
and structural perspectives on the ethical issues relating to digital
information technologies. It forms part of an ongoing research project at the
Digital Ethics Lab, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford on
intercultural digital ethics (see further
> The journal seeks submissions of research articles (approximately 8,000
words, but this is flexible) and commentaries (approximately 4,000 words) that
engage with the theme of intercultural digital ethics, including but not
limited to:
> • Why is a pluralistic ethical approach important in
understanding the impact of digital technologies? What are the different
levels and domains of digital ethics? We are interested in both secular
philosophical perspectives (e.g. utilitarianism, deontological ethics, virtue
ethics), religious and cultural ethical perspectives (e.g. Buddhism,
Christianity, Ubuntu, and Shinto, amongst others) as well as social and
intersectional perspectives (e.g. race, gender, sexual orientation, and the
intersections between these categories).
> • How do digital technologies impact different cultural and
social groups differently? How do these communities view issues such as
privacy, consent, security and identity differently?
> • How do the practices and responsibilities of those developing
digital technologies differ between different social groups and cultures? Do
the upstream (design and development) and downstream (delivery and deployment)
phases of digital technology require different ethical considerations, and how
can these accommodate cultural and social differences?
> • What are the different ethical impacts of endogenous factors
(e.g. lack of diversity, conscious and unconscious bias of technologists)
versus exogenous factors (e.g. embedded bias in datasets), and how can these
harms be addressed?
> • Can we design governance frameworks for digital technologies
that are tailored to the ethical values of different cultures, whilst also
harmonizing these frameworks at the international level? What lessons can be
drawn from international governance frameworks developed in other contexts?
Does ethical pluralism advocate in favour of more soft law approaches to
digital governance (e.g. self-regulatory ethical guidelines rather than
> • How does the discourse of human rights support or hinder the
observance of intercultural ethical values?
> • Do digital information technologies represent a new form of
colonialism and exploitation, for example through ‘ethics dumping’ in
low-rights environments? We welcome perspectives on the outsourcing of
‘digital labour’ and the protection of vulnerable communities such as
migrants and refugees, inter alia.
> December 31, 2019: deadline for paper submissions
> January 31, 2020: decisions and revisions returned
> February 29, 2020: deadline for revised papers
> March-April, 2020: final corrections, proofs revision
> Nikita Aggarwal | Research and Course Design Fellow in Law and Technology
and DPhil Candidate, Faculty of Law | Research Associate, Digital Ethics Lab,
Oxford Internet Institute | University of Oxford
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