Message posted on 17/01/2022

CFA: 6th International Undergraduate Conference on Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society

                Dear Colleagues,

Please forward this announcement to your undergraduate students who might b=
e interested in participating.

Thank you!


Call for Abstracts

Sixth International Undergraduate Research Conference on Science, Technolog=
y, Medicine, and Society

To be held online by the University of Toronto March 24-25, 2022

Conference Theme: The Interaction of Science, Technology, & Medicine and Po=

Keynote Speaker: Maya J. Goldenberg, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Colle=
ge of Arts, University of Guelph. Author of Vaccine Hesitancy: Public Trust=
, Expertise, and the War on Science (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021)

It has long been thought that the relation between science and politics is =
an uneasy one: politics covets power, while science seeks apolitical truth.=
 Scholars from the history, philosophy, and social studies of science have =
investigated the interactions between science and politics to unearth a com=
plex web where science and politics co-evolve and are co-produced. What int=
eractions lead science to shape political policies, and political environme=
nts to influence science? What lies at the intersection of science and poli=

The Sixth International Undergraduate Research Conference on Science, Techn=
ology, Medicine, and Society at the University of Toronto invites student s=
ubmissions that examine the interaction between politics and science, inclu=
ding science policy, science funding, politicization of science and scienti=
zation of politics, political influences on science, as well as other topic=
s regarding the mutual influence between science and politics. We also invi=
te submissions on other issues related to STM in historical and present soc=
ieties throughout the world. As an interdisciplinary gathering, we encourag=
e students to submit papers from across the arts, humanities, social scienc=
es, and natural sciences - check out our Facebook page for past presentatio=

We are specifically interested in current issues surrounding: COVID pandemi=
c, climate change, data privacy, AI and warfare, vaccine hesitancy.

Interested students should submit an abstract (250 words) and a brief bio (=
50 words) by January 31, 2022 using the following link: https://easychair.o=
rg/conferences/?conf=3Dstms2022. (Note that students will need to create an=
 easychair account to submit an abstract, but registration is simple)

If you have any questions, please contact:

Hannah Rajput at

All applicants will be notified by February 14, 2022.

Sponsored by:  University of Toronto's Victoria College, IHPST, ASSU, and H=
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