Eurograd message

Message posted on 15/04/2024

3-year fully funded PhD position on digital infrastructure breakdown

Dear colleagues,

Please circulate this call for applications in your network:

The Technoanthropology Lab (TANTlab) in Copenhagen is hiring a 3-year full-time PhD student for the project DigiBreak - Ethnographic Perspectives on Telecommunication Disruptions and Cyberattacks.

DigiBreak focuses on citizen groups' and small companies' everyday handling of glitches, disruptions and breakdowns of digital infrastructures. The PhD will undertake research in the project's Greenlandic case with an ethnographic study of preparation, dismissal and negotiation strategies in satellite towns. A background in ethnography, arctic studies and/or STS is preferred.

The candidate will be working closely with PI Mette Simonsen Abildgaard, associate professor of Arctic Technology studies, and postdoc Laura Kocksch.

Read more about the project and position here: or here:

Note that there is an information meeting about the position on Wednesday, May 22nd at 4 pm CEST. To sign up and receive a link, contact PI at

Don't hesitate to reach out with questions,

Mette Simonsen Abildgaard and Laura Kocksch

Laura Kocksch, M.A. Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Techno-Anthropology Lab (TANTlab) | Department of Learning and Culture T: (+45) 2382 4774 | Email: | | twitter Aalborg University Copenhagen | A. C. Meyers Vnge 15 | 2450 Kbenhavn SV | Denmark


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